Hello everyone 🙂
How are you guys after yesterday’s madness? I know and the rest of the organizers/volunteers are beat and most likely sleeping all day!
First of all, I’d like to express my gratitude to “Whisper’s Corner” for sponsoring the event, if it wasn’t for them, this wouldn’t happen.
Second of all, I’d like to give a big thanks to my friends who came all the way from KSA just to sponsor our gaming section; V7 guys (Voltage 7)! Thanks guys, I really wish you guys the best of luck <3
Also, I’d like to thank the people from MEFCC for their support and appearance. You guys better attend their event later this year! You’ll miss a lot if you don’t!
Thank you Mr. Qais for attending and sharing your wonderful experience, also wishing you best of luck! P.S. Can’t wait to read vol. 2 of “Gold Ring” 😉
Thanks to Mr. Baraa for throwing his voice out, thanks to Mr. Yacoub for his time, thanks to Al-Jawhara people for their awesome manga whishing them the best of luck in their project!
A special thanks go to the organizers and volunteers who did this with me just to make my dream come true, and they wished nothing in return! Thank you Ahmed Al-Kooheji, Isa Al-Shamsi, Mohammed Ahmed, Khalid Ismaeel, Marwan Al-Zahrani; Thank you Essa Al-Seesi, Rashid Al-Buainain, Rashid Al-Sulaity, Yasmeen Al-Sinan, Nadeine Al-Maskati, Mishal Nassim, Abdulrahman Farooq, Omar Alireza, Akbar Khan, Ebrahim Al-Khan, Omar Al-Shomily, Mohammed Isa, Ahmed Ali, Mohammed Abdulhameed 🙂 Love you guys <3
Last but not least, a huge shout out to you guys.. for everyone who attended, from people who traveled all the way from Kuwait, Qatar, UAE & KSA, especially those who were stuck at traffic at King Fahad bridge for hours, and to those who attended no matter what. If it wasn’t for you guys as well, this thing would fall down. Thank you very much.
Though we faced some technical problems with the networking for the PS3s and the schedule got messed up somehow, it was a nice experience and I learned a lot from it 🙂 And personally, I think it went well for a first event! Especially that we were individuals, without any event management background!
Now, I don’t claim perfection, but we learn from our mistakes. This is all what life is about. You don’t expect it to go as you wish or as planned. Something somewhere will fall and break, and you’ll have to find either a solution or a back-up plan, or else, you’ll have to cope with it.
As some of you know, my real objective of Banicon was to introduce anime conventions to Bahrain, as promised 4 years ago. And I kept postponing the event one year after the other as I kept getting stuck in the middle due to some governmental issues. Until I met the right people that were meant to help me with this 🙂
Though, I wanted everyone to have fun and enjoy it, the fact is, it is difficult (actually, impossible!) to please everyone. And I’m still not sure 100% that I’d do Banicon again, I mean, c’mon! I just finished from the first yesterday! 😛 But if I got enough support and resources, I might 😉 (no promises though!) Besides, I just finished from the first, so don’t even ask about the 2nd xD (now I know how mothers with new born baby feel when they’re asked to ‘bring’ a sibling to the baby!!!!).
I really don’t know what else to say, all of this was a very interesting -yet tiring!- experience. It was overwhelming. I like to see people have smiles on their faces. I want everyone to be happy. So, I apologize for anything that upset you in the event, and I hope I can compensate at the next – if there was one ;P
Take care and have a nice day! *^-^*